
Kyoko Takase ( = Kaoru Asahina )

Children’s Picture Book Author and Illustrator

Contact :  cahora261*yahoo.co.jp (*=@)


2011 -

Children’s Picture Book Author and Illustrator
Making stories and Illustration by Kaoru Asahina (=Kyoko Takase)

Publisher : Kodan-sha, Gakken, Sekaibunka-sha, Bronzeshin-sha, Mitsumura-tosho

2008 -

Antique dealer
Runs online shop, Alice Antiques, Antique silverware, and porcelain
Skills : Shop building, web design, description of items, photos, dealing with customers,

1996 -



2021 - Sep.~Dec.

Sokei Academy of Fine Art and Design, online art abroad course 
Dessin, Graphic, Painting, 3D, etc.

2002 -

 Basic CSS & HTML, WordPress, Web design, Taking photos

2001 - 2003

Children’s Picture Book Work shop 
Editor : Akifumi Doi, Akira Ono

1997 - 2000

Illustration Course for those who aim to become professionals
Teacher : Shinichi Fukui (Illustrator)

1991 - 1994

Correspondence Education
Kodansha Famous Schools, Illustration course

Graduated University of Fukui. Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering


watercolor, guash
color pencils, ink
others: mixed media (paper mache、paper cutting, collage)
Adobe Photoshop
